Quests and events


Event is a competiton between playerst, that opens each year in specific time windows, judged by judging core. Do not post main entries ourside of the time window. See each assigment for more details.

Felken Fair - fair held by felkens, march-april
Azol'Amath Carnival - sea and color themed, summer, may-july
Colderrian GrandPrix - steeplechase race in track, autumn, august-september
Royal winter show - motion and static show held by dragons



To join quest, look on quest assigment, make picture corresponding to the assigment with all required info in describtion including name of quest and/or link to it's pages here on blogger. This should be submited to this folder in group. Art collabs are allowed.
Quest generally cannot be repeated by the same rider or mount, with few exceptions is repeatable section. Sometimes is quest unrepeatable by the same player. In the list will be used these two emoticons, or their combination (๐Ÿฆฐ๐Ÿพ). If you see quest with animal emoticon identical with any of mount sectionsymbol on the right of the webside, that means quest's doable only by mount with that icon.
๐Ÿฆฐ - quests for rider(s). 
๐Ÿพ - quest for any or mostly any mount(s).
๐ŸŽฎ - quest for player only.



Repeatable by the same rider, moutn or player every year or two years.


For log of ended activities of group check archive.