To join quest, look on quest assigment, make picture corresponding to the assigment with all required info in describtion including name of quest and/or link to it's pages here on blogger. This should be submited to this folder in group.
Participation or completion of a quest, is mostly bound to specific character. If one character fails unrepeatable quest, other characters can try their luck. Few quests are bound to player, so you need to complete them once in you entierity of gameplay, in order to gain their benefits.
Event is a competiton between playerst, that opens each year in specific time windows, judged by judging core. Do not post main entries ourside of the time window.
Felken Fair
Azol'Amath Carnival - sea and color themed, summer, may-july
Royal winter show - motion and static show held by dragons
If quest can be repeated with same rider and mount, then that one rider and miunt can complete it only once a month, unless annual/biennial quest.
Any mount and/or character can join.
What a drag - help agaist wolves, item reward, forest setting
The devil's steed - perked equine reward, wasteland setting
The Dead lake's basin - halloween themed, night wasteland setting
Rider specific
Only hummanoid characters can take this quest.
Seamstress in stress - custom dress reward
Shots and shots - random rolls, alcohol themed, shitty picture required :D
Mount specific
Quest is designed for specific mount species/subspecies/breed.
Character cannot repeat such qeust even if failed.
Escaped ratboars - help farmers catch farm stock
Character can repeat such qeust every year or two years.