Coins and points

Art by Ayzazuea.
WoC's ingame currency are the rit coins, that can be used to buy ingame stuff. Symbol for rits is ✪, used behind number same like dollar sign or yen sign. Rits can be obtained through gameplay, so there's no need (or interest) for real money to get involved in this game. Only alternative is to use deaviantArt points instead of ✪. The converison rate is 10 dA points to 1✪, but usage of dA points is not always allowed. Some things are obtainable only thgrough ✪.
If you obtained any rits, you can see your bank account in Zindar registry. It will have your discord or deaviantArt nick.   
So that are the coins, which you can pay with. Now to the various points, becuase oh boy, we have a few.  
Here's a quick summary:

  • MP = Mount points. Represent advancing of your mount as you can see in mount leveling.
  • Exp = experience. Represents advancing of your rider as you can see in rider leveling.
  • PP = Player prestige. Represents your advancement. Presige is gained per levels of owned mounts and riders. More in player prestige.
  • CP = common points. These are valid only for event quest judging etc. and represent how well you did in event.
  • EP = event points. Each rider and mount increases value of EPs per gained levels. They work as additional CPs in events and increase you chances to score better.