Shadowmoon bear

Art by Brissinge.
Common mount
Price range: 7-15
For custom import ask Brissinge
Custom import requirements: Completing this quest.
Species: Bear
Subspecies: Shadowmoon bear
Lines: Elle (Medium), Sehe (Beast), Baile (Chaser)


DESCRIBTION AND ABILITIES (General for all bear breeds)

Feed: Omnivorous, they will eat anything edible. But preffered are unprocessed berries, fruit, herbs, fish and meat
Lifespan: 20-35yo
Life cycle: infant 0-3 months, cub 3months to 1.5yo, sexually mature at 3yo, senior 30+
Breeding details: Chance for twins 40+, triplets 80+, no more than three foals at once. Cubs are for a week blind and helpless after birth, relying on their mother.
Extra pictures for proper offspring growth: Playing bear cub, cub with one of parents, your rider playing with cub
Visual references 
Subspecies sheet | Armor and tack 
Shadowmoon bear is recreation of lost species. It was re-bred from last members of large skalam bears that remained as only specimen of ridable bears inhabiting now sunken part of Coldaira continent - Etjadra. Due insufficient genofond were regular north coldairan bears added to the genetic pool in order to prevent inbreeding. Roughly 200 years after start of breeding program, ridable bears reached steady population again and started to spread widely as great alternative to the desert horses. Thanks to fondness of Colderran rulers toward bears, bears became traditional mean of transport for humans of southern Coldaira. Most valued bears were bred (such paradox) by wood elf family in Shadowmoon manor. At peak of popularity were best bears valued the same as best desert horses. 
Thanks to this popularity rided to fit regular ridable bears to more disciplines, such as fast travel and heavy battle units, highly increased. This led to creation of two more specialized breeds - fast and agile Baile bears and heavy draft Sehe bears. However unfortunate events around year of 457/3 (wars of Sand and Snow) led to destruction of vast majority of bear ranches. Usage of bears as war animals and on top targeted destruction, made huge dent in ridable bears population. Shadowmoon manor, which escaped destruction, became a refuge and main hub of redistributing of ridable bears. That's why now available bears are called Shadowmoon bears.

Domestic behavior:
Ridable bears, unlike smaller wild counterparts, are fairly social. When it comes to hunting, they do prefer to hunt alone, but they keep returning into a same pack den (or stable) that is localized on intersection of 3-4 bear territories. The will even feel alone and seek company of other animals or humanoids. There can be observed interesting social structure even in artificially created stabled community. With 5 or more bears loose in one paddock there's always dominant male called 'ranger'. This male acts as leader and justice. If any suborder bears have disputes, ranger will come to resolve them. Resolving has various forms. From plain fight, to growling competition. Sometimes ranger sides with guilty bear, just because he doesn't like or is annoyed by other bear. 
If suborder bears have disputes over food, it's not uncommon that ranger will come and take it from both of them, so they stay hungry. Bear pack tends to follow ranger and they trust him. Females are naturally attracted to him, so ranger is usually father of most cubs. 
In order to get females to mate with different male, ranger has to be removed from community. In that case next dominant male will take his place. If bears are not satisfied with ranger, they will take him collectively down and free up space for next candidate. If ranger is gelded, he's outcast by rest of pack and is best to keep him separated. Ridable bears do very well in company of humanoid they know well. They perceive humanoid as ranger and as such they follow his lead. If humanoid enters paddock with ranger bear already with it, ranger will still perceive human as dominant force. However, if bears do not like the humanoid, he will be taken down same as ranger bear would be. 
Energy patterns and metabolism is different from regular bears. Ridable bears in most cases are not allowed to hibernate, due need of ridability through the year. This makes ridable bears more active with less concern about saving energy for hibernation. Only exception are bears kept in poorer conditions, as it's not cheap to feed bear through winter when food is less available.  
Affinity to work: 
Most ridable bears actually love to be harnessed and work, especially to pull. It's part of their nature and it keeps them busy and not bored. They love especially if there's multiple bears harnessed and whole pack drags together a carriage or sled. Same goes for group rides, when bears get to kongregate with both other bears and riders. This is one of the features making them excellent mounts.
Besides carrying rider and draught, bears can be used also to lift or push things or handle fairly heavy loads. Since their paws are manually skilled (atlest in terms of animal world) they are able to learn how to for example open things.

Stable requirements:
Best enviroment is large paddock with grown trees, few large rocks and dirt hills or steep dirt cliff large enough for pack of bears to dig their den in it. Bears will use den as hideout in bad weather or cold weather, ocassionally for sleeping or to hide in bad or shy mood. 
Bears will scratch themself on trees and they will also clinb the tree. The clibming can become fairly tricky for keeping bears inside of paddock. It's adviset to use atlest 3m deep ditch before smooth wall, or to position paddock atlest 4m lower than surrounding ground.
Bears are smart and require stimulation. But they do not need to rely on man-made toys, since they can find fun with random objects.
For bears kept solitarily are conditions slightly different. They will require attention and socialization that would be otherwise provided by rest of pack. They will want to interact with their rider/keeper in various ways, including play fights, cuddlles, chases and such.

ELLE - meidum build

Height and build:
160-170cm, medium build suited to long travel
Character: Chill and easy going. Obedient and easily trainable. They will stay quite energetinc through day, being awake most of time. The most, nearly legendary feauture, is loyallty towards keeper. 
Peak speed of elle bear is 50km/h.

Examples of elle coats.

SEHE - heavy build

Heigh and build: 170-200cm, heavy brawny build
Character: Seriously not to be messed with. From all three breeds, sehe bears are least sociable and most grumpy. Their nature is not inheritry evil, but they tend to have short temper and agressive responses to dislikes. Handling sehe bears requires caution and knowledge.
Sehes are fairly lazy and like to sleep or just lay around. They do keep up moral with rider on back, but once rider's off them, they usually just lay down till they are needed again.
Their love to fight and enforcing power is most noticable feature.
Peak speed of sehe is 40km/h.
Examples of sehe coats.


BAILE - light build

Heigh and build: 140-160cm, light build suited for burst speed and fast run.
Character: Children in heart. Silly, playful, energetic. If they had to be compared to regular nonridable bear, they would be forever bear cubs. Bailes doesn't think through a lot of stuff, which gets them in silly troubles (such as getting stuck somewhere).
Baile bear is sprinter. Highest speed is 60km/h which can be kept for 500-1000km. Regular running speed is 55km/h and can be kept up to 3km. Canter is performed on speed of 25km/h and can be kept for 6-8km without break. For longer travels speed is up to 25km in one day if pace is slow.
Examples of baile coats.



  • Bears were traditionaly bred by humans on norhern ColdairaFrom all the species in Colderra, bears are to me far cutest, despite not being drawn much even by me
  • Bears were very first idea and were supposed to be only mount in this game. At very beggining they had their own group called "shadowmoon bears". They were created as recession to all equine focused groups. Irony that Colderra is now very equine focused aswell :D
  • It' possible to cross ridable bear with regular bear. In that case offspring will be smaller and not mountable, and can be used as pet.