⏰ Rider(s) and any mount(s). Repeatable every year. ⏰
Walk and play entry from 2015 by Chotty. |
Draw one picture.
The picture should contain atleast 2 mounts or atleast mount and rider
(otherwise is rider not needed). They don't have to be both yours, and they
don't have to be all from World of Colderra group. But alteast 1 has to be
yours and from WoC group, so it makes sense to have this quest.
Atleast one WoC mounts musn't be cut away by borders of picture.
The more mounts the merrier.
Weather: Autumn is heading to an end, and first snow dusting and
hoarfrost appears. Weather is cloudy, and mornings are misty, tempertures are
getting down and days are getting shorter and shorter. Trees already shed down
almost all leafs, only dry brown leftovers still hand on twigs.
Hovewer, if you wanna be strict with location your rider and mounts live
in, and there's never that cold weather, you can do different weather that
represents unfertile time of year.
+ 200 exp to every depicted rider depicted directly interacting with mount.
- +15 MP to every depicted mount.