Price range: 35-45✪
Custom import requirements:
Player prestige 45+
Customs are created by
Species: Gryphon (gryphonae)
Subspecies: King's gryphon
Breed: eagle, owl
Lifespan: 25-35yo
Life cycle: hatchling to 8 weeks, nursing cub till 3 months, flies at
1 year, at 5-6 years adult, senior 20+
Breeding details: Chance for twins (owl) 80+, (eagle) 99+, no more
than two cubs at once
Extra pictures for propper offspring growth: Mother with nest before
egg hatch, picture of one of parents learning cub how to fly
(On pic from left: cavern gargoyle, owl griffie, cawing hippogryf,
eaglehead gryphon)
Both breeds have same ancestry comming from Kelepha. Creation of species is
since begginig fully under control of Blackmine dwarven clan, that had both
ancestral species in their clan territory. One side if ancestry are owl
griffies, smaller, quiter and less fearsome type of gryphons from Kelephan
woods. They are too small even for dwarves to use as mount. Second half of
ancesstry are eaglehead gryphons, which are large, very dangerous and
extremely hard to tame and mount. Juthug Featherbeard, blackmine explorer,
noticed that occasionally there is a narutal crossbreeding amongst
eagleheads and griffies, which produces hybrid of size about right to be
used as mount. He captured few speciemens and breeding could start. That
took place in early years of dwarven kingdoms, roughly in second half of
first era. Result of breeding was shortbeaked gryphon, that was bearing
signs of both ancestors, but was tamable and fairly obedient. Rising demand
for battleborn gryphons on brim of first era was start of breed separation.
Shortbeaks were animals mostly for travel, and their fighting abilities
weren't great, so eagle gryphons happened and as side result breed of owl
gryphons formed.
Fire war with dragons was huge hit into breeding, as gryphons were used in
fights with dragons and great numbers of them died, which weakened the
genofond. Rests of eagle gryphons and owl gryphons breed were re-integrated
with owl griffies and eaglehead gryphons, so the genofond could become
stronger. Final result so far is what you can see below.
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Height and build: 150-160cm, wingspan 7-8,5m
Habitat: large mountains, sea cliffs, wastelands
Feed: meat, fish
Since wild gryphons are domesticated ones who went back into wilderness, lets
talk about behavior in generall. Eagle gryphons are day creatures which
inhabit large territories, often traveling 250km in one day searching for
sufficient prey to feed their flock, that is created by male, female and their
cubs. Once they find prey they hunt it down and eat. They aim for animals that
are same size or larger than them. Hunter is always male eagle and his flock
is usually nearby on ground awaiting his
call. They have such
a meal roughly once in two days and they devour it on spot. After meal eagles
usually don't fly and they rest instead.
If hunting some larger prey, such as wyvern, or communicating, they use short
sounds similar to
meows. All gryphons
For hunting eagle uses his front claws and most the time hunts from air, when
it swoops down on target in high speed and lifts it from ground. Sometimes is
hunt performed specifficly near cliffs and prey is realeased to fall to it's
death. If prey struggles and cannot be lifted up, gryphon fights it on a
ground while using back legs to kick and beak to tear through preys throat.
Same goes for airborn fights. Usually front claws hold the prey and backlegs
try to claw through chest. Air fights need to be performed in great heights,
because fighters sooner or later start to fall during fight. Once the ground
is close, eagle lets loose and chases it's prey.
Social structure of eagle gryphons can be described as patriarchal with
dominant male - father of the flock. Gryphons form families consising on
parenting pair and their offsprings. Once offspring is adult, it continues to
travel with family even if it finds partner. The family cares about it's
members and potential mate of any offspring has to be accepted by flock
father. Once offpsring mates with it's accepted partner and the cubs are able
to fly, they all separate from parents and find their own territory.
Eagle gryphons have 1 partner for life and in wilderness there's barely any
promiscuity. In captivity where family system is corrupted it works
The nesting happens on spring mostly. Eagle hen hides her eggs in pile of shed
fur, feathers and keeps them warm with her own body. When eggs are layed it
takes them two weeks to hatch. Hatchlings are naked, helpless, blind, their
beak is soft (they use actually claws to open the egg) and mother feeds them
mother milk next three months, then they switch to the meaty diet.
Domestic behavior:
Keeping eagles is very tricky, since they need to fly a lot.They need either a
very large voliere or very often "walks" to keep the requirements met.
Domestic eagle will have two modes, which can be described as 'cat vs eagle'.
Cat phase is when it walks and jumps around in enclosed voliere, resting and
sometimes getting very bored and annoying. Eagle phase kicks in the moment you
clunk with tack and open volier.
When it comes to lloyality, eagles aren't really that lloyal. If they are
offered better conditions, they will leave.
When it comes to mating in captivity, male gryphons usually either aren't
interested in females at all, or try to mate with every willing female they
see. Those are called 'ancestrals' and are very valued as they keep the breed
Stable requirements:
Large voliere with enough of clibming space, flight space and resting space.
Same as cats, gryphons like to climb and rest on high places. Some keepers use
long ropes and have volieres open atop, so gryphons can fly, but it is not
preffered technique, as the rope can get tangled and hurt the gryphon.
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Height and build: 140-150cm, wingspan 6-7m
Habitat: lowland hills, forest hills, nearby lakes and rivers
Feed: fish, meat, insects
Owls don't travel that much and are more interested is smaller area with
denser foliage and higher population of smaller creatures. The prey will most
likely be fish, smaller mamalles, bats, other bird owls. They also are mostly
nocturnal, which makes their daytime usage tricky, but it is possible to
reverse their sleep schedule.
Social structure of flock is basically non existant, and owl live separately
except for mating (at autumn) and nesting season, which starts in early
spring. Nest is build in dense treetops and consist of shed fur, feathers,
leaves, small branches. The mother protects and warms up her eggs.
Domestic behavior:
Unlike their eagle cousins, owl gryphons are tamer, a bit easier to breed, and
generally more loyal. They are also much cuddlier than eagles and calmer.
Unless nesting mother. Don't cross the nesting mother.
Stable requirements:
The volier is good choice, but not necessary, if your owl is well trained.
There should be some cozy den, where gryphon can sleep and rest. The
scratching post is also a good thing, if you don't want gryphon to destroy
- Originally were gryphons suggested and added by FartingVampirePirate later on were take on by Brissinge.
- First breed sheets had third kind of gryphon, the spoon bill gryphon, which was considered slightly goofy and there is only one import ever created.
- In 2017 were gryphons revisited and integrated more into overall style of WoC.
- Recently in 2024 was design of gryphons tweaked to feature feathered tails. Now they (accidentaly) resemble Narnian design, so let's roll with it.