Five rarities of mount's collectible cards. Pictures are Brissinge's old
WoC related artworks. Only placeholders, because real ones are waiting
for level 10 mounts.
When mount or rider reaches maximal level, you can apply for creation of
digital card into premade template. The card however isn't 'yours'. It's
is added to a general deck of all cards created. More on that in
rolling for cards section.
Card art is created by Brissinge, but you can ask to create it yourself, or do
a collab with Briss (The card should prety to look et, so let's try to keep them
in higher art standard). Depending on mount's rarity and how transmoged or perked it
is, the card will have it's unique score. Riders are set between epic and
The unique score [π] represents chances of getting the card. Lower score, higher
- 1π= Common mount with common coat.
- 4π= Common mount with rare coat.
- 8π= Uncommon mount with common coat.
- 12π= Uncommon mount with rare coat.
- 14π= Rare mount with common coat.
- 20π= Rare mount with rare coat.
- 30π= Unique mount.
Perks and transmogs
Transmog: + π equal to required transmog level times two.
Perks: + π equal to the required perk level.
Roling for cards
As I said, there is a 'general deck' of cards. It is like
collecting PokΓ©mon, Bella Sara or Hearthstone cards. But instead of opening
packs, you can roll on discord to get cards one by one. And not just cards
with your characters on it. Roll can give you any of cards from the
general deck.
The cards you obtained by this roll are now the ones you own (and can add to
your tracker), and you can play table top game with them (more on that below).
How to roll for card:
Once a week you can roll 1d100. The number you get represents the rarity range
you select cards from.
For example:
I rolled number 17, that is in range of uncommon cards. I now can pick one
of uncommon cards.
(Card in following list are in order of rolls from 1-100. It is, since
number in middle of the roll scale have slightly higher occurrence.)
Epic card: Roll 1-9. | Unique score 31-50.
Uncommon card: Roll 10-24. | Unique score 6-13.
Common card: Roll 25-84. | Unique score 1-5.
Rare card: Roll 85-94. | Unique score 14-30.
- Rider card: Roll 95-99.
Legendary card: Roll 100. | Unique score: 50+.
Upgrading card: When your mount's US changes enough to get into higher tier,
you can ask for new card of the tier the mount is currently in. The old card
stays and is still valid. One mount can have possibly 5 different cards. You
can keep track of cards you own in
Zindar registry.
BETA! Table top card game
To create a system would take much longer and since we do not know, what cads
will be present, it is even harder. But for starters, on cards will be already
depicted stats based on mounts abilities.
There will be its attack, defense, health points and resurrection cost.
Possible mechanics
Deck of 5 cards you picked, but are shuffled in random order and a rider.
You have a rider, that has 10 resurrection points and preferred mounts.
[⚔] Attack dice based on mount's dreadness+speed.
[π‘] Defense dice based on
mount's agility+intellect. Since there's three
kinds of agility, is considered only the highest one.
- 0-4= D4
- 5-6= D6
- 7-8= D8
- 9-10= D10
- 11+= D12
Eg: DRE 5 + SPE 2 = 7. Card will have 1D8 attack dice.
[❤] Health points based on resistance value.
-3 = 2hp
-2 to 3 = 3 hp.
Then it rises 1:1 so 4 = 4 HP, 5 = 5 hp up to 9.
Rider card with placeholder image.
Both players on beginning of a game reveal their rider, first card of mount
deck and roll on 1D20. Higher number starts the game. On a turn can player
perform card ability (if present), attack on opponent's revealed card and
spend resurrection points/s.
If card gets killed opponent must, replace it with new card right away. Then
player's turn ends.
Attacking card rolls it's attack dice, defending card rolls it's defense
Attack minus defense = lost hit points of defender. Eg: Attacker rolled 10,
defender rolled 8. Defender loses 2hp.
Resurrection points
Killed card can be resurrected. Each rider has 10 resurrection points. To
resurrect the card, rider has to pay value of card's HP in resurrection
points. Card can be resurrected right after it was killed, or player can on
his turn chooses, which dead card he wants to resurrect.
Preferred mount type
Each rider has one preference, picked from options below:
Based on breed (if subspecies has breeds) or subspecies (if there are no
breeds) eg.: Malacos, warg, alaka, baile, desert krofi etc.
Based on coat color: Black, red, white, gray, green, blue, purple, yellow.
Based on features: wings, hooves, paws, talons, scales, feathers etc.
color, pattern etc.)
Based on card's rarity (common, uncommon etc.)
Such mounts if paired with the rider, rolls two dice for every roll and picks
the higher number.
End of a game
When one of player runs out of cards. Player who has cards left is a winner.
All six cards.