Event judging core

Judging takes time and cofee. A lots.
To make it easier, here's how all of the events are judged. To each is added specific kind of judging, based on what the event is all about, you'll find that in activity describtions, but core point system is generally the same for all. Shortcut CP means common points.
Since we are focused on 2D art, we accept only 2D art event entries. Dosne't matter if traditional or digital. For traditionals, please try to take best picture you can. This picture will be subjected to examination of following elements:
Time of publishing
  • Before or after the time window: Disqualification.
  • In 1st week of time window: +5 CP
  • In 2nd week of time window: +3 CP
  • In 3rd week of time window: +1 CP

  • Are all depicted characters properly registered in WoC? If not registered till event's end, they will be disqualified. BUT! Picture disqualified for this reason can be reused for next year, if it fist.
Shown portion of cahracters
  • Headshot: penalty of -10 CP (Counts for main character you are trying to show in entry.)
  • Entry not made by you: Disqalification.
  • Reusage picture publishded for diferent purpose: Disqualification.
  • Partial body: Allowed.
  • Fullbody: +3 (Adds points separately for rider and mount.)
  • Specialised style +3 CP (This is for entries made in style, where no shading is present, but it is still very complex in some other way.)
  • Detailed Shading +3 CP
  • Plain Shading + 2 CP
  • No Shading + 0 CP


  • Correct detailed background +3 CP
  • Correct simple background +2 CP
  • Incorrect background -2 CP
  • Photo background: penalty of -10 CP

Additional points

  • Advertistment: +2 CP (Journal on deaviantArt, done atleast two weaks before end of the time window, so people still could join. Link you the advertistment under your entry! Otherwise it won't be counted!)
  • Extra picture: +1-6 CP (Any picture, that is made specificly to support event entry, and is posted in time window of event, will count towards final score. Score gained by extra picture is based on it's quality, but mostly creativity. Either creativity with it's story telling contents or with used medium/style. Maximal number of extra picture is 3 per entry.) 
  • Watchers: +1-3 CP, max 10 watchers (Counts per each, but it needs to bi visibly tellable, that it is sentient being, and it has to make sense for watchers to be there. Value will be decided by how they add to general composition.)
  • Other participants: +1-3 CP, max 10 other participants (Counts per each, but it needs to bi visibly tellable what mount and rider they are, and it needs to make sense for them to be there. Value will be decided by how they add to general composition. Ask in community who is planning to enter and be sure they agree on being added to the picture. List all the participants under your entry! Otherwise it won't be counted!)
  • Donation: +2 CP (Counts per each, max 2 donations per player per event per year. You can donate some of your , some of your mounts or commission. Communicate with winners, if they want to accept your donations. Pick for which placements you donnate, and list your donations under your entry! Otherwise it won't be counted!)

Judge's scoring
This is when judge, a person, looks on your picture and subjectively (even though trying to be objective) will evalue it.
  • Impression: +0-15 CP (This score is granted after first few seconds looking on the artwork. How it feels, what is the atmosphere. Simply firts imperession.)
  • Creativity: +0-15 CP (How you used event assigments, what composition you have chosen, if you tried to get out of your comfort zone and went for a new angle etc.)
  • Rendering: +0-20 CP (You artwork under serious critique. And don't worry, photo-realism doesn't mean better score. How well you managed chosen medium and style? How well you managed chosen composition? What about anatomy or dynamic of a picture? And how well it does fit in the mood of the event.)
  • Specific:+1-10 CP (Some events will have pinpointed specific features, that we want you to try to learn. For example water, or snow... This score will evaluate, how well you did on creating that.)
Note from the heart: Look, I think I can say on behalf of all who will ever be judging the pictures: we all wish to get better in creating art, and we would love to help you in it too. We are not trying to bring anyone down by giving them low score, we are just trying to realisticaly reflect. Commenting every entry is very time consuming, but you can for sure ask on discord for critique and help, if you don't know how to depict something. If we ever cause bad blood by judging, we are sorry in advance, we are just human :).

You are allowed to enter with max three entries (three side, three main) to each event each year. Each entry must show different riders and mounts.