Serpie - the banished

Nagas are one of two aquatic races. And the only race, that has drastically changed their appearance after doing big bad veeery back at the beggining of the world. Shortly after world was created. It went similar to how christians see creation of a the world. There was sacred Mountain, on the mountain all races, and one of them succumbed to the forbidden temptation. Those were nagas, and they led astray everyone else. Therefore they were banished to live in the sea, and get out of the way.
Their original look is unknown, some belive they were actually only avian race, but they definitely didn't have serpent tails and features. We disticnt two types of naga.


Inhabitants of the ocean. Noone knows, how big is naga population and their kingdoms, but you can find them in every part of the ocean, from cold artic waters, to tropical azure seas of Milnik ocean. However their history is definitely not bright. Nagas are know to damage land dwellers to great extent. They were behind a lot of big conflicts in Cesferan past. Mostly trying to sunk dry land, because of their vastly spread religion. They search for Four headed serpent, that has to be destroyed. They haven't found him in water, therefor it must hide on dry ground.

As you can see on illustration above, there are many nagas. From left:
  • Baltaran tribe - Northern naga. big, chonky, cold resistant, with beautiful and powerfull voices. Baltarans are most peacefull in their nature, but don't get on their wrong side. They inhabit cold waters and do not care at all for sinking drylanders or any kind of destruction of other races. As only ones have large fins on ends of their tales and resemble cataceans.
  • Mer'micon tribe - Imperial naga. The rulers. The conquerers, the... well basically Roman empire hybridized with Third Reich (yeah, they even commited almost 100% sucesfull genocide on one other tribe). They consider themself better than anyone else, they rule over biggest underwater empires and their rulers were the cruelest in ocean's history. The religion of four headed snake is deeply rooted in them and unfortunately they are best magicians of all nagas. They have forked tongues, hair on their tails and four limbs. Mar'micons are dangerous and tend to exploit other races in their own profit.
  • Carachiran tribe -  Wild naga. This specific tribe is last that left from wild nagas, and this minor leftover was atop of this almost wiped out by mer'micons. All nagas used to have wild variant (proto nagas of sort. They lacked human faces and appeared generally more feral), but only carachirans survived. They are most nomadic of all tribes and most dangerous in their primal nature. But they don't posses any real danger. They just want to exists, and be left at peace.
  • Percemaw tribe - Reef naga. Small, spontaneous, lively and playful. Percemaws live in tropical waters near to reefs, and it shows. They are lighthearted, spending their days worshipping sun goddes Ser'peruu, keeping percifore nagians and enjoying life in colorfull, warm seas. But I also have to mention, that they have great priests of light - healers, prophets and forseers.

Died out wild nagas appearances.

Most used mounts:  They do not use animals for riding. But they do breed and use nagian unicorns for various purposes.


Politicaly-religious separatists. Tribe led by Ara'ax decided, that hunting the snake is stupid, and there has to be way, how to abandon it. He met with ferionist missionarie (Ferionism is one of human religions, similar to christianity) and he turned to Ferion for help. By this act, the curse caused by punishement for deed on the sacred Mountain, was broken. Land nagas are bereft from the need of search for the four headed snake. This got them into disputes with other nagas. Ara'ax begged Ferion once more for solution. He was ordered to abandon his home in the ocean and slither out of sea. He was scared, but obeyed. Due Ferion's belssing, land nagas were born. Because of general naga history with land dwelling races, land nagas have hard life full of prejudice towards themself.

There's two subraces. Land nagas divide based on place they inhabited. Portraits from up:
  • Desert naga - Thin, long and coldblooded. Desert nagas are well suited for dry wastelands.Their tongues are nimble, as they are salesmans, traveling lands. Some are bards and oriental dancers, as other land dwellers find their snake-like moves very enchanting.
  • Mountain naga - Husky look, rough nature, comming from colder mountains. Those nagas are well suited for cold weather and snow. They can often come across as grumpy, noone really knows why. Maybe it just sucks to live in the mountains and herd cattle.